These days you`ve come across the Ukrainian flag a lot, but do you know the meaning of its colours?
First of all, the Ukrainian flag combines blue and yellow colours. 1) Colour / color – колір /kolir/ 2) Blue – синій /'sineey/ 3) Yellow – жовтий /'jovtiy/
Синій колір (blue colour) represents the sky and жовтий колір represents a field of wheat.
These are some basic colours in Ukrainian:
1) red – червоний /cher'voniy/
2) green – зелений /ze'leniy/
3) white – білий /'beeliy/
4) black - чорний /'chorniy/
What do the colours of your flag mean? Який ваш улюблений колір? What`s your favourite color? Start your answer about your favourite colour like that: Мій улюблений колір _______ (say the colour). /Meey uliubleniy kolir/.
In our lessons you`ll practise your first colours ordering black or green tea in a café.
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